DESSMOUNDE, being a Manne of Infinit Mirthe, and also the Jocularite, and the Jesture, and also fond of Japes, and also Merry-Making, did goe unto the Encampament, where he was pousted to Battaile, and yea, he did take several Hydes of the Cowe, which were tann'd, and stretched, and yea, cutte, and sewn, and he did arragnge them upon Pouls, and he propp'd them upp upon the battlemente, and yea, he did apply the pigmentes from crushed Beetles, and yea, he did make manie festivites, and yea, he did acuqire the Spirits, and also, the Aqua Vitae, and yea, also the Herbes from the foreste, and yea, he did crush them into a pouder, and yea, he did call upon the Compagnie, and he did say unto them, that they should go unto his Emcampament, and yea, that they should drink of the Spirits, and yea, rubbe the Herbes upon thier Skinnes, and yea to be Merrie, and they didde, and it wasse Goode.
And yea, there were manie Menne there, of manie coulours, and yea, of the Christein Faithe, and yea, there was a manne from the Southern Landes, whereupon he wore the thick Bearde, to protecte from the Frosts, and the Raging Winds, however, upon the longue voyage to the Battle-Field, it did become an Encumbrance, and yea, he did remouve it, by soaking it in the Spiritis, and yea, he did sette it upon the Flammes, and it burn'd, in a hue of Greene, and yea, the deede was done, and it wasse goode. And allso, there was a man, who was from the Northe Landes, and who did not weare a beard, for he was Encoumbred by the hotte Dessert Sonne, houever, being upon the Field of Battle, he was Chill'd to the Bone, and yea, he did grow the bearde, and also he putte Grooves upon his Haire, such that the Winde would flou paste in a Soothing pattr'n, instead of Gusting upon his Face, and Chilling him to the Bone, and it wasse goode.
And thusly, there was also a man, who was from the Westr'n Landes, and hee, being a man of the Mearchante classe, and being a man of Greate Wealthe, and who did encountre goode Windes of Fourtune, did come into prosession of a horse-drawne carraiege, which was from the Sumerian ciuilisaition, and yea, it was Re-furbish'd, such that it smell'd of the freshly tanned Hydes of wild Animales, and it was goode. And then the man said to the Group, that they should go and travelle with himme, such that they can go to the Lands in the Easte, to seeke the Prieste, who was called Matthias, and yea, that they may be baptised by himme, such that they would be Goode Crisitan Menne, and they did goe, and it wasse goode.
Oh, nice! I am filled with anticipation for Part Two.
ReplyDelete(Though I'm not sure what the deal with the cow-hides is about...)