NOWE, Dessemounde, being a Man of hisse Wurde, did goe unto the battel-Field, and he didde Slaye manie Coumbatants which belongued to the Ratte-Kinge, and he did cutte offe their Heades, and also their Genitalie, and he did stuffe one unto the Other, and dysplay themme upon his Emcampament, for Alle to see, and it wass goode. Houever, in the cours of Tyme, it did coume to passe, that, in the dayes, and the Nights, and the Evengys, and the After-Noones, and the Mournings, and also the Twi-lights, and also, the Dawnes, and the Duskes, and the Sun-Rise, and also, the Sunne-Sette, that Desmounde did return to the village where he was Bourne, and yea, it wasse a leave, of Vacatioune, for he had Slaind ouer 20 Coumbatates of the Ratte-Kinge, and it wasse goode.
Thusly, it became nesecary for Desmund to go unto the village, where laied the young girl which he desired to lay down with, such that he may Know herre, in the way, and yea, it did come to passe, that he went into the forest, and he Lay upon a Rocke, and yea, he did take Herbes from the Forest, and he did lay them upon the Fyre, and he did inhale the Vapours, and then, the cours of time, a Birde did come unto himme, and it encircle'd him manny Tymes, and yea, itte did speake to himme, and it did saye, that, Desmounde must go unto the Cottage of the younge Womone, and he must go there, and say to her that he wishe to lay with her, such that he may know her, in the way, and yea, the birde did defecacte upon his Bodie, and yea, Desmounde was much despleased, and also disgruntled, and also disenchanted, and also disillusioned, and also dissolved, like the Parliemente, and yea, he did go to wype the foul offense upon his breaste, and yea, in the cours of doing soe, he did discover a message upon the excremente, and he read it, and yea, it contayned the leucation of the womons Cottage, and he rejoyced, in the Aire, and it was goode.
And yea, it came to passe, that, as Alle Things doe, that, Desmounde, he did go unto the Cottage of the womone, and yea, he did passe by itte manie tymes, for he had Fear upon his breaste, and yea, he was loath to go in side, and yea, in the course of several Hours, he did go unto the foreste, and he lay upon a charire, and he inhaled Vapours, to calme his Nerves, and yea, he did finally go unto the Cottage, and he knowcked upon the Doore, and he prepared his Lignes, houever, the womon, upon seeing himme thru the houle in the Doore, and, notte wounting to be dystrubed, did not Answer the Doore, and yea, Desmonde wente houme, and he Wept, and it wasse goode.
Hey, this story isn't in chronological order! (Also, I think you did it earlier.) What's the whats-up?
ReplyDelete((also, that is a very wide selection of times))