Saturday, 13 March 2010




DESMOUNDE, being of the warre-like tempremente, and being called oute to defendre his houme lande, againste the fources of the Ratte-Kinge, Nikoulousse, and being a man who wielede a spear upon his hande, and also, the leather sandales, and also, the cuppe upon the genitalia, for the pourposes of protection, and also, the tourtouse shelle upon his head, for the pourpouses of protection, wente, in the tyme of great crysesse, unto the fieldes of warre, and he did slay many myrmidones, and also mercenaries, and also sworde-masters, and also and also cavaleeres, but only the ones who wieded sourdes, for he was strong to that elemente, becuse he wielded the speare, and it wasse goode.

Thusly, it came to passe, that, being upon the fieldes of warre, and being aparete from that yonge girle, who caused his genitalaia to swelle, and to engourge, and to become erecte, and to become firme like a tree, which sprouts from the colde grounde, where upon the rayes of the sunne did shyne upone it, in the manner of the waves foulling upon a rocke. Thusly, he, being a man who was most craftie, did determine, the loucation of her grasse-roof cottage, and he did take his quille pen from his leather bagge, and he did dippe it into the bloode of his slaine enemies, and he did write upon the dried skinne of a goate, and he did deliver many massages unto a scroll, and he roll'd it uppe, and he tye'd it with a lenght of corde, and he did give it to the massanger, and he did give him five shyllinges, and he did tell himme to deliver it unto herre, and it was goode.

And thysly, it came to passe, in the course of tyme, which runneth like a snake upon the wyntre snowes, and which slither like a foule beaste, and he waited many nightes, and many dayes, until the haires upon his genitalia reached the lengthe of several furloges, and then did he cutte it offe, and then it reached that lengthe againe, and he stille waited for that massage, but it did notte come, and he was embittred, and he slay'd a goat, which was neaerby, and he roasted it over the fire, and he ate of the fleshe, and he became saitaited, and it wasse goode.

1 comment:

  1. Rad! I liked the FE bit and the extended metaphors. (Ooo, "crysesse"!) I hope that girl sends you an reply-email soon!
